Shipping Premium flat rate and discounts-Modul für PrestaShop

Version: 2.2.9 (2024-09-30) | Kompatibilität: PrestaShop - 8.2.x | (10)
Offer to your customers a shipping "Premium" flat rate! Add an unlimited number of premium flat rate configurations and define it by customer group, carrier, zone and weight/price ranges.
  • 3 monate 58,99 €
  • 1 jahr 66,99 €
  • Sie können die Unterstützung erneuern für23,99 €
🛠️ Installation inklusive: Wir können das Modul KOSTENLOS in Ihrem Geschäft installieren
🧬 Lebenslange kostenlose Updates: Sie können IMMER die letzte Version herunterladen
Qualität geprüft durch PrestaShop: Validiert durch PrestaShop QUALITÄT Team
🤝 3 monate1 jahr support: Wir sind AN IHRER SEITE, wenn Sie es brauchen
  thirty bees kompatibel
58,99 € 83,99 € -30%
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Accepted payment methods

Get a record conversion rate by offering premium delivery
The eternal dilemma of the e-commerce retailer: shipping costs are the reason for 50% of abandoned carts, yet, profitability is at stake if you offer free shipping... We have the solution! With the 'Shipping Premium Flat Rate' module, you can offer your customers a premium delivery subscription, like that offered by Amazon and other major e-commerce sites.
Your customers pay a delivery subscription can then take advantage of free shipping costs or very reasonable prices throughout the entire year of their subscription.
In addition to bringing in additional revenue, you will create a long and sustainable relationship with your customers.
  • Build a very strong and long customer loyalty and encourage them to continue buying in your store.
  • Offer a possibility to purchase a shipping "Premium" flat rate like Amazon Premium.
  • Configure the shipments under Premium flat rate according to your needs. Define which shipping costs will you apply to the customers who has bought the Premium flat rate (free or at a lower amount than other customers).
Example: Apply to customers with a valid Premium flat rate a 50% discount in shipping cost.
Example: Apply free shipping for customers with a valid 1-year Premium flat rate.
  • PrestaShop new 1.7 version compatible. When you upgrade your store, this module will work!
This module DOES NOT require a monthly fee or any other fee, you buy it once and you use it without any restrictions.
Our guarantees
✪ We are a PrestaShop Partner agency. All our developers are certified by PrestaShop.
✔ We can customize the module or make any modifications that you may need. Contact us for a quote.
Do you have any questions or concerns? Send us a message! We will happily answer any questions
  • Configure an unlimited number of Premium flat rate configurations.
  • Duration of the flat rate configurable (1 year, 6 months,...).
  • Max number of orders configurable. You can set a maximum number of orders using a Premium flat rate. Example: if you define a Premium flat rate of 1 year and 20 orders max, customers can place up to 20 orders, or until the end of the period. Outside of this, normal rates will apply.
  • Shipping costs by each Premium flat rate configurable.
  • Reduction type by percentage or by a fixed amount of the normal shipping cost applicable without Premium flat rate.
  • Configurable by zone, carrier and price/weight range.
  • Like Amazon Premium.
  • Adaptive and responsive design (RWD), valid for all resolutions of your computer and mobile device.
  • Compatible with Advanced EU Compliance module.
  • Multi-Store. You can make a different configuration for each store.
  • Compatible with all web browsers.
  • Compatible with PrestaShop Cloud.
  • All texts of the module are translatable.
PrestaShop 1.7 compatible!
Try it in our demo!
2.2.9 (2024-09-30)
Kompatibilität - 8.2.x
Externer Service erforderlich


Good module. Well developed. excellent after-sales assistance.
Shipping Premium flat rate and discounts
The support is great and very reactive. The plugin do the job.
Shipping Premium flat rate and discounts
Ottimo modulo e ottima assistenza da parte del developer
Tariffa unica e sconti di spedizione Premium
Good module. Well developed. excellent after-sales assistance.
Shipping Premium flat rate and discounts
Good module. Well developed. excellent after-sales assistance.
Tariffa unica e sconti di spedizione Premium
Desde mi experiencia y después de haber comprado muchos módulos, considero que tienen unos módulos fántasticos, que funcionan fenomenal y sobre todo, tienen el mejor servicio postventa que he probado en addons. ¡Feli...
Tarifa plana de envíos Premium y descuentos por envío
Good module. Well developed. excellent after-sales assistance.
Tarif forfaitaire et réductions d'expédition Premium
Módulo espectacular, muy sencillo de configurar y una auténtica maravilla.
Tarifa plana de envíos Premium y descuentos por envío
Good module. Well developed. excellent after-sales assistance.
Shipping Premium flat rate and discounts
Good module. Well developed. excellent after-sales assistance.
Tarifa plana de envíos Premium y descuentos por envío

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