Hide product attributes and combinations-Modul für PrestaShop

Version: 1.1.5 (2025-01-08) | Kompatibilität: PrestaShop - 8.2.x | (18)

Suchen Sie nach einer einfachen Möglichkeit, Kombinationen in Ihrem PrestaShop-Onlineshop anzuzeigen oder auszublenden? Werfen Sie einen Blick auf unser PrestaShop-Kombinationsmodul!

Mit diesem Modul können Sie die Sichtbarkeit Ihrer Produktkombinationen einfach steuern. Sie können jede beliebige Kombination in Ihrem Geschäft ein- oder ausblenden, wodurch Sie Ihren Katalog an die Bedürfnisse Ihrer Kunden anpassen und die Effizienz Ihres Unternehmens steigern können. Darüber hinaus können Sie auswählen, ob diese Kombinationen verfügbar sind oder nicht, basierend auf bestimmten Kundenmerkmalen, wie z. B. der geografischen Region, in der sie sich befinden, dem Lagerbestand usw.

Do you need to hide the product combinations which are not availabe? Do you want to hide the product combinations for an specific situations (customers, countries, etc...)? With this module you can do it with a very easy configuration.
  • 3 monate 48,99 €
  • 1 jahr 55,99 €
  • Sie können die Unterstützung erneuern für19,99 €
🛠️ Installation inklusive: Wir können das Modul KOSTENLOS in Ihrem Geschäft installieren
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Qualität geprüft durch PrestaShop: Validiert durch PrestaShop QUALITÄT Team
🤝 3 monate1 jahr support: Wir sind AN IHRER SEITE, wenn Sie es brauchen
  thirty bees kompatibel
48,99 € 69,99 € -30%
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Mit unserem PrestaShop-Kombinationsmodul können Sie die Kombinationen Ihrer Produkte schnell ein- oder ausblenden, ohne manuelle Änderungen an jedem Produkt einzeln vornehmen zu müssen. Darüber hinaus können Sie die Sichtbarkeit der Kombinationen sowohl auf der Produktseite als auch im Katalog Ihres Geschäfts steuern.

Installieren Sie unser PrestaShop-Kombinationsmodul und steigern Sie noch heute die Effizienz Ihres Unternehmens! Mit unserem Modul können Sie das Einkaufserlebnis in Ihrem Geschäft verbessern.

Dies sind die Hauptvorteile, die Sie nach der Installation erhalten:

  • Größere Flexibilität: Es gibt Ihnen die Flexibilität, Ihren Katalog an die Bedürfnisse Ihrer Kunden und Markttrends anzupassen.
  • Gesteigerte Effizienz: Da Sie nicht jedes Produkt manuell ändern müssen, können Sie Zeit sparen und die Effizienz Ihres Unternehmens verbessern.
  • Mehr Personalisierung: Sie können Ihren Kunden ein personalisierteres Einkaufserlebnis bieten.
  • Höhere Rentabilität: Dies kann dazu beitragen, die Rentabilität Ihres E-Commerce zu steigern.
  • Erhöhte Sicherheit: Durch das Ausblenden von Attributen und Kombinationen von Produkten, die nicht mehr verfügbar sind, können Sie Verwirrung und Probleme mit Kunden vermeiden und die Sicherheit Ihres Online-Shops erhöhen.
Hide your product combinations
You can hide the product combinations from your catalog which you don't want to show with a very easy configuration.
Individually or massively
You can use the filters and conditions to hide an specific product combination (individually) or all the product combinations that you need (one configuration can be applied to all the product combinations)
Product filters
You can choose the products to hide using this filters:
  • Product
  • Category
  • Manufacturer
  • Supplier
  • Attributes (combinations)
  • Features
  • Weight
  • Stock
  • Price
Target filters (who will not see the products)
You can choose the target of the hide products to define who will not see the product combinations using this filters:
  • Customer
  • Customer groups
  • Language
  • Currency
  • Country (geolocation)
  • Zone (geolocation)
Dates range
You can define a Date From and Date to range to configure when the product combinations will be hidden.
You can use the schedule to define the time and the day of the week when the product combinations will be hidden.
Geolocation compatible
If you are using the Geolocation (of PrestaShop or the other modules Geolocation) the module can hide the product combinations when a customer goes to the store and the IP detection locates a country or zone where the product or products must be hidden.
Improved performance (cache)
The module has a cache system to improve the performance of the store when it's enabled.
A single payment 
The module has no additional costs. You only need to make one payment for the module licence for your store.
Examples of how you can use the module:
  • Hide the product combinations without stock (not available to purchase)
  • Hide the product combinations of an specific category or more than one category
  • Hide the product combinations with price above 10 euros
  • Hide one or more product combinations for one or more countries and geographical zones (geolocation)
  • Hide product combinations on weekend
  • Hide product combinations for an specific currency
Also, the rest of the filters allows to you to configure whatever conditions that you can imagine.
Use the product filters to hide the products with absolute flexibility 
  • Product
  • Category
  • Manufacturer
  • Supplier
  • Stock
  • Price
  • Weight
  • Features
  • Attributes (combinations)
Define who will not see the products with the target filters 
  • Customer groups
  • Customers
  • Currencies
  • Languages
  • Countries (Geolocation)
  • Zones (Geolocation)
Hide the product combinations temporarily
You can define the temporary configuration by:
  • date range
  • time range
  • day of the week
You can use the module in all the stores on your multi-shop, and you can create a different configuration for each of these.
Responsive and cross browser
This module is adapted for all devices: PC, tablet and mobile. It is also compatible with all browsers.
Compatible with all the themes and all other modules in your store
You can use this module with any platform you are using and it will function with any other modules you have installed in your store. If you have any problems, we will resolve them for you.
Multi-language texts
All the texts on this module can be translated into the languages of the store.
New functions
If you need any new functions that we haven’t developed for this module yet, do not hesitate to contact us by sending a message through the “Contact the programmer” option.
Always updated
We frequently addupdates to the module, to incorporate new functions and to adapt it to the latest versions of PrestaShop.
We can help you with the installation and configuration
If you have any questions, or a problem emerges during installation and configuration of the module, send us a message through the “Contact the programmer” option and we will help you.
1.1.5 (2025-01-08)
Kompatibilität - 8.2.x
Externer Service erforderlich


Great module and, most important, amazing customer service and support!!! Everything works perfectly and, if it does not, the developers will be very kind to assist you as soon as they can!
Hide product attributes and combinations
Good product, and technical support services very efficient. They answer you very fast and help you.
Hide product attributes and combinations
Good product, and technical support services very efficient. They answer you very fast and help you.
Hide product attributes and combinations
Absolutely amazing module and best support on the market. Highly recommeded !!!
Hide product attributes and combinations
Great module and, most important, amazing customer service and support!!! Everything works perfectly and, if it does not, the developers will be very kind to assist you as soon as they can!
Hide product attributes and combinations
Great module and, most important, amazing customer service and support!!! Everything works perfectly and, if it does not, the developers will be very kind to assist you as soon as they can!
Hide product attributes and combinations
J'ai eu un problème avec l'installation du module mais qui a était très vite pris en charge et réparer par le support. Très professionnel.
Hide product attributes and combinations
Me gustó sobre todo la implicación y el contacto con el servicio técnico.
Ocultar atributos y combinaciones de producto
Cumple perfectamente su cometido. Si utilizas combinaciones, puede que ya no puedas vivir sin el.
Ocultar atributos y combinaciones de producto
Good product, and technical support services very efficient. They answer you very fast and help you.
Ocultar atributos y combinaciones de producto
Great module and, most important, amazing customer service and support!!! Everything works perfectly and, if it does not, the developers will be very kind to assist you as soon as they can!
Hide product attributes and combinations
Good product, and technical support services very efficient. They answer you very fast and help you.
Hide product attributes and combinations
Good product, and technical support services very efficient. They answer you very fast and help you.
Hide product attributes and combinations
Nice and quick client service. It works perfectly with another related modules we got. Thanks!
Hide product attributes and combinations
Perfecto el módulo cumple perfectamente con su función. Ralentizo un poco la tienda, pero el servicio técnico del desarrollador contestó inmediatamente y me solventó rapidamente el problema. Muy recomendable.
Ocultar atributos y combinaciones de producto
Perfect module and support!
Hide product attributes and combinations
Great module and, most important, amazing customer service and support!!! Everything works perfectly and, if it does not, the developers will be very kind to assist you as soon as they can!
Hide product attributes and combinations
Good product, and technical support services very efficient. They answer you very fast and help you.
Hide product attributes and combinations
Great module and, most important, amazing customer service and support!!! Everything works perfectly and, if it does not, the developers will be very kind to assist you as soon as they can!
Ocultar atributos y combinaciones de producto

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