Moduł Hide or show price and disallow purchase dla PrestaShop

Wersja: 1.2.2 (2024-07-16) | Zgodność: PrestaShop - 8.2.x | (61)
Would you like to hide the product prices to an specific customer group or to an specific country? This module can do it, also, can display the price but disallow the purchase (hide the Add to Cart button) using an incredible flexible conditions.
  • 3 miesiące 48,99 €
  • 1 rok 55,99 €
  • Możesz odnowić wsparcie dla19,99 €
🛠️ Instalacja w zestawie: Możemy zainstalować moduł w Twoim sklepie ZA DARMO
🧬 Dożywotnie bezpłatne aktualizacje: ZAWSZE możesz pobrać ostatnią wersję
Jakość zweryfikowana przez PrestaShop: Walidacja przez Zespół JAKOŚĆ PrestaShop
🤝 3 miesiące1 rok support: Jesteśmy PO TWOJEJ STRONIE, gdy tego potrzebujesz
  thirty bees kompatybilny
48,99 € 69,99 € -30%
Liczba licencji
Accepted payment methods

Hide product prices
The module allows to hide the product prices with all the conditions that you could need:
Product filters
  • Stock
  • Price
  • Weight
  • Category
  • Product
  • Manufacturer
  • Supplier
Target filters
  • Customer group
  • Customer
  • Country
  • Zone
  • Language
  • Currency
Info: When the price is hidden, the purchase is disallowed automatically, a customer can’t purchase a product with the price hidden.
Disallow the purchase
You can hide the add to cart product disallowing the purchase of products, the price can be displayed or not, but the customers can’t purchase purchase the product.
Info: if a customer who can’t purchase a product has it in the cart, the module will display a message in the checkout to avoid the purchase of this product and blocking the checkout process until the product is removed.
  • Hide the product prices of one or more categories
  • Hide the prices between specific stock range or the products without stock
  • Display the price but disallow the purchase of products to an specific zone or country (geolocation)
  • Hide the product prices with 0 price
  • Disallow the purchase of an specific manufacturer products to a customer group.
 A single payment
The module has no additional costs. You only need to make one payment for the module licence for your store.
Hide the price of products
The price of the product is not displayed and this product automatically is not available for order.
Disallow the purchase of the products
The "Add to cart" button is hidden and the product is not available for order, then, the product will not be added to cart.
If a “disallowed purchase product” is in the cart (previous existing cart of a customer) the module blocks the checkout process until the customer removes the product from the cart.
In this case, the price can be displayed or not, you can choose if you want to show the price but disallow the purchase or also hide the price of the product.
Product filters
To define what products will be affected by the rule, these are the filters available:
  • Stock
  • Price
  • Weight
  • Category
  • Product
  • Manufacturer
  • Supplier
The filters can be combined for a better precision to select what products must be affected by the rules of the module.
The filter values can be multiselected, then, the rules can be created to be applied individually or massively (for example: with an unique rule you can hide all the product prices of your catalog).
Destination (target) filters
To define who will get the hidden prices and/or the disallowed purchase of the products, these are the destination (target) filters:
  • Customer group
  • Customer
  • Language
  • Currency
  • Country (geolocation)
  • Zone (geolocation)
To do it by country and zone, the geolocation of PrestaShop must be enabled, then, when a customer access to the store our module applies the rules.
You can use the module in all the stores on your multi-shop, and you can create a different configuration for each of these. 
Responsive and cross browser
This module is adapted for all devices: PC, tablet and mobile. It is also compatible with all browsers. 
Compatible with all the themes and all other modules in your store
You can use this module with any platform you are using and it will function with any other modules you have installed in your store. If you have any problems, we will resolve them for you. 
Multi-language texts
All the texts on this module can be translated into the languages of the store.
New functions
If you need any new functions that we haven’t developed for this module yet, do not hesitate to contact us by sending a message through the “Contact the programmer” option. 
Always updated
We frequently add updates to the module, to incorporate new functions and to adapt it to the latest versions of PrestaShop. 
We can help you with the installation and configuration If you have any questions, or a problem emerges during installation and configuration of the module, send us a message through the “Contact the programmer” option and we will help you.
1.2.2 (2024-07-16)
Zgodność - 8.2.x
Wymaga usługi zewnętrznej

Opinie klientów

Très bon module
Hide or show price and disallow purchase
Yes, initially I had problems with setting the module and I was unhappy, but later the technical support was fast and efficient! A gentleman named David was very kind and especially prompt! The module works very well,...
Hide or show price and disallow purchase
Module delivers what you can find in the description. Customer service reactive and supportive. Thank you!
Hide or show price and disallow purchase
SaV parfait, je recommande.
Hide or show price and disallow purchase
ottimo modulo e ottima assistenza e veloce !
Hide or show price and disallow purchase
Espectacular soporte y modulo
Hide or show price and disallow purchase
Wow, absolutely amazing module and even better support. Highly recommended.
Hide or show price and disallow purchase
Hide or show price and disallow purchase
En todo momento se han preocupado por saber si el módulo cumplía con nuestras expectativas, y lo hace con creces. Muchas gracias por la ayuda que nos han prestado, ha sido muy fácil
Hide or show price and disallow purchase
Prodkt spełnił moje oczekiwania - polecam. Rownież szybka pomoc we wdrożeniu jest tym czym mnie nie zawiedli. The product met my expectations - I recommend it. Also, quick assistance in implementation is what th...
Hide or show price and disallow purchase
Yes, initially I had problems with setting the module and I was unhappy, but later the technical support was fast and efficient! A gentleman named David was very kind and especially prompt! The module works very well,...
Hide or show price and disallow purchase
ottimo modulo e ottima assistenza e veloce !
Hide or show price and disallow purchase
Module delivers what you can find in the description. Customer service reactive and supportive. Thank you!
Hide or show price and disallow purchase
ottimo modulo e ottima assistenza e veloce !
Hide or show price and disallow purchase
Très bon module
Hide or show price and disallow purchase
En todo momento se han preocupado por saber si el módulo cumplía con nuestras expectativas, y lo hace con creces. Muchas gracias por la ayuda que nos han prestado, ha sido muy fácil
Hide or show price and disallow purchase
Très bon module
Ocultar o mostrar precio y desactivar la compra
Realmente el modulo tiene muchas opciones a configurar y el soporte técnico de la gente de idnovate es de 11 sobre 10
Ocultar o mostrar precio y desactivar la compra
Hide or show price and disallow purchase
SaV parfait, je recommande.
Ocultar o mostrar precio y desactivar la compra
Bon produit et très bonne disponibilité et réactivité du développeur (quelques heures seulement) pour adapter son module à un autre module non natif qui entrait en conflit. Un grand merci....
Hide or show price and disallow purchase
Module delivers what you can find in the description. Customer service reactive and supportive. Thank you!
Hide or show price and disallow purchase
SaV parfait, je recommande.
Hide or show price and disallow purchase
Très bon module
Hide or show price and disallow purchase
ottimo modulo e ottima assistenza e veloce !
Hide or show price and disallow purchase
ottimo modulo e ottima assistenza e veloce !
Hide or show price and disallow purchase
Module delivers what you can find in the description. Customer service reactive and supportive. Thank you!
Hide or show price and disallow purchase
Très bon module
Hide or show price and disallow purchase
David was extremely helpful with getting this module installed because we were also running another module that was conflicting. Module does exactly what it's designed to do. Very easy setup and configuration. Work...
Hide or show price and disallow purchase
Bonjour Je conseille donc ce module est fonctionnel et je suis satisfait. Note: Il serait intéressant qu'après l’identification ou la création du compte, l’utilisateur soit dirigé vers le produit dans lequel il s...
Hide or show price and disallow purchase
SaV parfait, je recommande.
Hide or show price and disallow purchase
Module delivers what you can find in the description. Customer service reactive and supportive. Thank you!
Ocultar o mostrar precio y desactivar la compra
En todo momento se han preocupado por saber si el módulo cumplía con nuestras expectativas, y lo hace con creces. Muchas gracias por la ayuda que nos han prestado, ha sido muy fácil
Hide or show price and disallow purchase
SaV parfait, je recommande.
Hide or show price and disallow purchase
ottimo modulo e ottima assistenza e veloce !
Ocultar o mostrar precio y desactivar la compra
Hide or show price and disallow purchase
Piccolo problema in fase di installazione (problema mio!) ma risolto nel giro di 1 ora dall'assistenza. Il modulo funziona alla perfezione. Lo uso per nascondere i prezzi in determinati paesi.
Hide or show price and disallow purchase
Yes, initially I had problems with setting the module and I was unhappy, but later the technical support was fast and efficient! A gentleman named David was very kind and especially prompt! The module works very well,...
Hide or show price and disallow purchase
Module delivers what you can find in the description. Customer service reactive and supportive. Thank you!
Hide or show price and disallow purchase
I was looking for a very long time for a module doing exactly what this one does. Excellent!
Hide or show price and disallow purchase
Yes, initially I had problems with setting the module and I was unhappy, but later the technical support was fast and efficient! A gentleman named David was very kind and especially prompt! The module works very well,...
Hide or show price and disallow purchase
Yes, initially I had problems with setting the module and I was unhappy, but later the technical support was fast and efficient! A gentleman named David was very kind and especially prompt! The module works very well,...
Ocultar o mostrar precio y desactivar la compra
Yes, initially I had problems with setting the module and I was unhappy, but later the technical support was fast and efficient! A gentleman named David was very kind and especially prompt! The module works very well,...
Hide or show price and disallow purchase
Hide or show price and disallow purchase
En todo momento se han preocupado por saber si el módulo cumplía con nuestras expectativas, y lo hace con creces. Muchas gracias por la ayuda que nos han prestado, ha sido muy fácil
Hide or show price and disallow purchase
Hide or show price and disallow purchase
Espectacular soporte y modulo
Hide or show price and disallow purchase
Hide or show price and disallow purchase
En todo momento se han preocupado por saber si el módulo cumplía con nuestras expectativas, y lo hace con creces. Muchas gracias por la ayuda que nos han prestado, ha sido muy fácil
Ocultar o mostrar precio y desactivar la compra
Muy bien, hace su función y de manera fácil. Soporte también muy rápido, atento y eficaz. Recomendado!
Ocultar o mostrar precio y desactivar la compra
Espectacular soporte y modulo
Hide or show price and disallow purchase
Espectacular soporte y modulo
Hide or show price and disallow purchase
Très bon module
Hide or show price and disallow purchase
Espectacular soporte y modulo
Hide or show price and disallow purchase
Le produit avait besoin d'une intervention de la part du développeur pour être parfait. Ce dernier est intervenu rapidement. Je recommande
Hide or show price and disallow purchase
En todo momento se han preocupado por saber si el módulo cumplía con nuestras expectativas, y lo hace con creces. Muchas gracias por la ayuda que nos han prestado, ha sido muy fácil
Hide or show price and disallow purchase
Una manera de tener el control absoluto sobre que ocultar y mostrar en tu tienda dependiendo de la categoría, país de origen del cliente, tipo de cliente,idioma y mucho más. Muy recomendable para ecommerce de gran tam...
Ocultar o mostrar precio y desactivar la compra
SaV parfait, je recommande.
Hide or show price and disallow purchase
Espectacular soporte y modulo
Ocultar o mostrar precio y desactivar la compra
MOdulo perfettamente funzionante. Supporto tecnico rapidissimo e sempre disponibile.
Hide or show price and disallow purchase

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