Moduł PayPal Plus (with Fees/Surcharge, Card Payment, BNPL) dla PrestaShop

Wersja: 1.3.0 (2024-09-10) | Zgodność: PrestaShop - 8.2.x | (4)
W idnovate mamy różne moduły płatności, takie jak ten moduł PayPal dla PrestaShop.

Ten moduł umożliwia przyjmowanie płatności przez PayPal i nałóż na klienta dopłatę lub prowizję. Możesz także dokonać całkowitych i częściowych zwrotów z backoffice PrestaShop, bez konieczności przechodzenia do PayPal.
Ponadto daje możliwość konfiguracji kont PayPal według różnych krajów, języka, waluty itp.
Accept PayPal payments. You can apply an extra fee if you want. Full and partial refunds management. Multiple PayPal payment options (card, credit, Sofort,...). Configurable by customer group, carrier, country, zone, product, category,...
  • 3 miesiące 48,99 €
  • 1 rok 55,99 €
  • Możesz odnowić wsparcie dla19,99 €
🛠️ Instalacja w zestawie: Możemy zainstalować moduł w Twoim sklepie ZA DARMO
🧬 Dożywotnie bezpłatne aktualizacje: ZAWSZE możesz pobrać ostatnią wersję
Jakość zweryfikowana przez PrestaShop: Walidacja przez Zespół JAKOŚĆ PrestaShop
🤝 3 miesiące1 rok support: Jesteśmy PO TWOJEJ STRONIE, gdy tego potrzebujesz
  thirty bees kompatybilny
48,99 € 69,99 € -30%
Liczba licencji
Accepted payment methods

Rozwiąż błędy płatności z powodu różnicy w liczbach dziesiętnych. Dzięki temu modułowi zapobiegniesz generowaniu zamówień z błędem płatności z powodu różnicy ułamków dziesiętnych.

Ponadto płatności za pomocą tego modułu PayPal dla PrestaShop są bezpieczne i wykrywanie oszustw.

Uniemożliwia to klientowi ponowne wprowadzanie danych karty dla każdej dokonanej płatności. Z drugiej strony klienci nie potrzebują konta PayPal, aby móc zapłacić za zamówienie, PayPal oferuje inne formy płatności, takie jak karta kredytowa i debetowa, Sofort, IDEAL, Giropay, SEPA itp.

Jego charakterystyka jest następująca: jest multi-store i pozwala na inną konfigurację w każdym z nich, dostosowuje się do wszystkich urządzeń, a teksty można tłumaczyć również w kilku językach. dotrzeć do większej liczby osób.
More than one payment method
You can define more than one PayPal payment method / account. For example, you can configure different PayPal accounts per country, per currency, per language,... each one with his own configuration.

No more payment errors
Use this module to avoid payment errors due to differences in decimals.

A single payment
The module has no additional costs. You only need to make one payment for the module licence for your store. It is possible that there may be additional charges from the company that provides the service. Contact them for further information.
  • Multiple simultaneous configurations
  • Real and test/sandbox
  • Classic redirection to PayPal and "insite" popup window
  • Other payment methods: card payment, buy now/pay later*, PayPal credit, Sofort, Venmo, Bancontact, Blik, EPS, Giropay, IDEAL, Mercado Pago, MyBank, Przelewy24, SEPA
  • Show cart details on PayPal
  • With or without fee
  • Fixed, percentage and fixed + percentage based fee
  • Taxable fee or not

Generic filters (when will be shown)
  • By order amount
  • By weight
  • By category
  • By carrier
  • By specific products
  • By manufacturer
  • By supplier
Target filters (audience)
  • By customer
  • By customer group
  • By currency
  • By language
  • By zone
  • By country
Design options
  • Name and payment method image
  • Additional information to show in checkout process
  • Specific customizable CSS and JavaScript

You can use the module in all the stores on your multi-shop, and you can create a different configuration for each of these.

Responsive and cross browser
This module is adapted for all devices: PC, tablet and mobile. It is also compatible with all browsers.

Compatible with all the themes and all other modules in your store
You can use this module with any platform you are using and it will function with any other modules you have installed in your store. If you have any problems, we will resolve them for you.

Multi-language texts
All the texts on this module can be translated into the languages of the store.

*Available in France, USA, Germany, United Kingdom and Australia for now.
W idnovate instalujemy moduł za darmo w Twoim sklepie internetowym, a ponadto wszystkie aktualizacje modułów są bezpłatne.

Nasz moduł PayPal dla PrestaShop pomoże Ci zwiększyć sprzedaż dzięki możliwości dostosowania się do każdego klienta i wybranej przez niego metody płatności, będąc tak bezpiecznym i niezawodnym.
New functions
If you need any new functions that we haven’t developed for this module yet, do not hesitate to contact us by sending a message through the “Contact the developer” option.

Always updated
We frequently add updates to the module, to incorporate new functions and to adapt it to the latest versions of PrestaShop.

We can help you with the installation and configuration
If you have any questions, or a problem emerges during installation and configuration of the module, send us a message through the “Contact the developer” option and we will help you.
1.3.0 (2024-09-10)
Zgodność - 8.2.x
Wymaga usługi zewnętrznej

Opinie klientów

Good product and great support.
PayPal Plus (with Fees/Surcharge, Card Payment, BNPL)
So far I tried several different modules, but this one is really the best with a lot of different useful functions. Great support from the developer! PayPal Plus (fees, card payment, buy now / pay later..) By Idnovate
PayPal Plus (with Fees/Surcharge, Card Payment, BNPL)
Perfect, does what it should and works without flaws.
PayPal Plus (with Fees/Surcharge, Card Payment, BNPL)
Módulo perfecto para Paypal, permite poner comision a los pedidos de dicha plataforma, y limitar donde quieres que aparezca y no la opción de pago de Paypal (por importe del pedido, etc). Destacar el soporte del de...
PayPal Plus (with Fees/Surcharge, Card Payment, BNPL)
Módulo perfecto para Paypal, permite poner comision a los pedidos de dicha plataforma, y limitar donde quieres que aparezca y no la opción de pago de Paypal (por importe del pedido, etc). Destacar el soporte del de...
PayPal Plus (con Recargo/Comisión, Pago con Tarjeta)
Módulo perfecto para Paypal, permite poner comision a los pedidos de dicha plataforma, y limitar donde quieres que aparezca y no la opción de pago de Paypal (por importe del pedido, etc). Destacar el soporte del de...
PayPal Plus (with Fees/Surcharge, Card Payment, BNPL)
Módulo perfecto para Paypal, permite poner comision a los pedidos de dicha plataforma, y limitar donde quieres que aparezca y no la opción de pago de Paypal (por importe del pedido, etc). Destacar el soporte del de...
PayPal Plus (with Fees/Surcharge, Card Payment, BNPL)
So far I tried several different modules, but this one is really the best with a lot of different useful functions. Great support from the developer! PayPal Plus (fees, card payment, buy now / pay later..) By Idnovate
PayPal Plus (with Fees/Surcharge, Card Payment, BNPL)
Perfect, does what it should and works without flaws.
PayPal Plus (with Fees/Surcharge, Card Payment, BNPL)
Módulo perfecto para Paypal, permite poner comision a los pedidos de dicha plataforma, y limitar donde quieres que aparezca y no la opción de pago de Paypal (por importe del pedido, etc). Destacar el soporte del de...
PayPal Plus (with Fees/Surcharge, Card Payment, BNPL)
Perfect, does what it should and works without flaws.
PayPal Plus (with Fees/Surcharge, Card Payment, BNPL)
So far I tried several different modules, but this one is really the best with a lot of different useful functions. Great support from the developer! PayPal Plus (fees, card payment, buy now / pay later..) By Idnovate
PayPal Plus (with Fees/Surcharge, Card Payment, BNPL)
Good product and great support.
PayPal Plus (with Fees/Surcharge, Card Payment, BNPL)
Perfect, does what it should and works without flaws.
PayPal Plus (with Fees/Surcharge, Card Payment, BNPL)
Perfect, does what it should and works without flaws.
PayPal Plus (con Recargo/Comisión, Pago con Tarjeta)
Good product and great support.
PayPal Plus (with Fees/Surcharge, Card Payment, BNPL)
So far I tried several different modules, but this one is really the best with a lot of different useful functions. Great support from the developer! PayPal Plus (fees, card payment, buy now / pay later..) By Idnovate
PayPal Plus (with Fees/Surcharge, Card Payment, BNPL)
Good product and great support.
PayPal Plus (with Fees/Surcharge, Card Payment, BNPL)
Good product and great support.
PayPal Plus (con Recargo/Comisión, Pago con Tarjeta)
Módulo perfecto para Paypal, permite poner comision a los pedidos de dicha plataforma, y limitar donde quieres que aparezca y no la opción de pago de Paypal (por importe del pedido, etc). Destacar el soporte del de...
PayPal Plus (with Fees/Surcharge, Card Payment, BNPL)
So far I tried several different modules, but this one is really the best with a lot of different useful functions. Great support from the developer! PayPal Plus (fees, card payment, buy now / pay later..) By Idnovate
PayPal Plus (con Recargo/Comisión, Pago con Tarjeta)
Perfect, does what it should and works without flaws.
PayPal Plus (with Fees/Surcharge, Card Payment, BNPL)
Good product and great support.
PayPal Plus (with Fees/Surcharge, Card Payment, BNPL)
So far I tried several different modules, but this one is really the best with a lot of different useful functions. Great support from the developer! PayPal Plus (fees, card payment, buy now / pay later..) By Idnovate
PayPal Plus (with Fees/Surcharge, Card Payment, BNPL)

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