Online only -30% Price Management Change or remove the decimals and format currency 27821 (26) €48.99 €69.99 Essential module to remove decimals or change the number of decimals that you want to display in your product prices. Also, you can format the currencies in PrestaShop 1.7 Add to cart
Online only -30% Promotions & Marketing Conditional Cart Rules (without offers, on sale...) 25901 (33) €48.99 €69.99 Avoid errors with cumulative discounts installing our module.It creates 2 new cart rules actions: - Only for the products without other discounts or offers.- Only to products with "on sale" disabled. Add to cart
Online only -30% Payment Manual Credit Card Processing - Offline payment 6270 (107) €48.99 €69.99 This payment module allows your customers to enter their credit card information on your store and let you process the data manually (offline) using your POS payment terminal. Add to cart
Online only -30% Payment Card payment Virtual POS CECA gateway,refunds (& Bizum®*) 6621 (71) €48.99 €69.99 Adapted to new PSD2 and new Ceca security requirements (SHA2). Provides multicommerce, multicurrency, multiterminal and refunds management support in the Virtual POS (Point Of Sale) configuration with CECA platform. With Bizum®*. Add to cart
Online only -30% Design & Navigation Automatic image ALT tag - Image SEO 41141 (4) €48.99 €69.99 Applying ALT tags to your product images will have a major impact on your store's SEO results. The Image SEO - Automatic image ALT attribute module automatically fills this tag when you haven't, to improve your store's SEO. Add to cart
Online only -30% Design & Navigation Content Protection - Secure your shop 8382 (69) €48.99 €69.99 Content Protection provides complete security for your shop, so that the plagiarists could not copy the content and steal data or images from your site. Add to cart
Online only -30% Administration Advanced reports 22415 (13) €48.99 €69.99 Create custom live reports freely. Visually selecting the fields or through direct SQL query. Create as many reports as you need. Schedule and send any live report by email. Add to cart
Online only -30% Design & Navigation Products carousel and slider 45104 (10) €48.99 €69.99 Show products everywhere in your shop. You can configure which products do you want to show, what will be his audience and where will be shown them in the shop. Add to cart
Online only -30% Administration Easy delete orders plus 7113 (63) €48.99 €69.99 Delete orders safe and easily and all related information with just one click. And you can also erase all the related data like carts and invoices. Add to cart
Online only -30% Customers WhatsApp automatic and direct messages 88511 (1) €48.99 €69.99 Module to send WhatsApp messages directly from the store. Messages can be sent automatically after specific events or manually. It allows you to follow the conversation from the same store back office. Add to cart
Online only -30% Customers - The Best Free Livechat - Multilanguage 22327 (59) €48.99 €69.99 is a messaging app that lets you chat with visitors on your store. Live Chat is convenient for your customers, helping them through pain points and as a result helping you generate better customer support and higher conversions. Add to cart
Online only -30% Price Management Show additional prices (currencies, taxes, discounts) 47570 (12) €48.99 €69.99 Show extra prices in the product page, products lists and popup cart. These prices could be without taxes, prices in other currencies, discounted group prices, wholesale prices, etc... Add to cart
Online only -30% Social networks TikTok Pixel - Track your TikTok ads' impact 50967 €48.99 €69.99 This module allows you to add TikTok Ads Pixel to your store. Add to cart
Online only -30% Price Management Force Currency at Checkout 8913 (32) €48.99 €69.99 Would you like to have different currencies at your store but leave only some of them at checkout? Let your customers visit your store in a different currency than checkout and avoid them to convert it to their local currency Add to cart
Online only -30% Design & Navigation Display the quantity discounts table with buttons 90936 €48.99 €69.99 The module modifies the quantity discounts table display in the product sheet and converts it into interactive buttons so that the customer can choose the quantity directly by clicking. Add to cart
Online only -30% Administration Edit specific prices 39351 (8) €48.99 €69.99 Now you can edit, visually and easily, any specific price of your shop without the need to delete it before. Add to cart
Online only -30% Design & Navigation Add to Cart Button and Attributes in Product List ✅ 90506 €58.99 €83.99 PrestaShop module displays 'Add to Cart' button on product list & catalog pages, improving user experience by making it easier to add products to cart without visiting detailed pages. Add to cart
Online only -30% Design & Navigation Add Sticky elements Cart, Menu, Product, Filters 22465 (30) €48.99 €69.99 The module allows to make Sticky (Fixed) any element of your theme: Cart, Main Menu, Header, Product Box (add to cart and information) and Filters when the page scrolls. This will improve the eCommerce User Experience (UX) for your customers. Add to cart
Online only -30% Shipping & Logistics Shipping Premium flat rate and discounts 24876 (10) €58.99 €83.99 Offer to your customers a shipping "Premium" flat rate! Add an unlimited number of premium flat rate configurations and define it by customer group, carrier, zone and weight/price ranges. Add to cart
Online only -30% WooCommerce Plugins Advanced cash on delivery and cash on pickup with fee / surcharge WOO001 €14.99 €20.99 Essential plugin! This plugin allows you to add the “cash on delivery” payment method with the option of applying an extra fee. This plugin will increase your sales! You can offset the extra cost of this shipping method by charging a fee to the customer. The cash on delivery payment method allows your customers to pay for the order at the time of... Add to cart
Online only -30% Promotions & Marketing Abandoned Cart Reminder - Popup with the cart content 21434 (8) €48.99 €69.99 Do you want to encourage your customers to finish their shopping? Show the contents of the cart to your customers so they remember that on their last visit they left some items added to the cart! Add to cart
Online only -30% WordPress Plugins WhatsApp Chat and Share WP001 €14.99 €20.99 Now your visitors / readers / customers can chat with you at WhatsApp, directly from your page / blog / store to the mobile!! No need to add your mobile phone number to the mobile address book. An online chat system provides visitors/readers/customers immediate access to help. Wait times are often much less than a call center, and... Add to cart
Online only -30% Social networks Share on Social Network from the Backoffice 6616 (34) €48.99 €69.99 Module for Facebook. Share your products on your Facebook wall or on your Facebook page (fan page) from your Backoffice! Generate a greater interaction between your store and your potential customers. Add to cart
Online only -30% Payment Card payment with First Data - fiserv 51069 (1) €48.99 €69.99 First Data is a leading innovator in the payments market. Payment solutions to help you grow your business and have total control. Add to cart